Have you ever stitched in miniature? This mini field of flowers is only about 2 x 2 inches and it packs a lot of slow stitching into a small space. Here's how I made it...
It started with inspiration from a snippet of fabric in shades of green with pink flowers.
I pulled out multiple shades of green to find just the right shade to co-ordinate with the greens in the floral snippet.
The next step was to pull coordinating colours of embroidery floss. I chose three shades of green (a dark, mid-tone and light), a pink, a yellow and a light turquoise.
If you're looking to start or expand your stash of floss, check out my Essential 30 Colour List for Hand Embroidery & Slow Stitching, with DMC color numbers. It's a free PDF Download when you sign up for my newsletter at the bottom of any page on my site. It's a great place to start if you're looking to have a shade for any project you might be doing.

With floss colours chosen and ready to go, it was time to stitch! I used 2 strands of floss to begin adding layers of colour and texture.
Pausing to look at the progress - this is a great way to evaluate where the project is and where it's heading. This is a time to gaze at the piece with a gentle eye (rather than an critical eye) and see what the piece needs next - is it a colour? is it a texture or mark? Don't overthink it - just do the next thing that comes to mind.
After adding more greenery, it was time to add more flowers, varying the size - making the flowers smaller higher up to create the illusion of distance.
After stitching a few flowers I turned my attention to the three flowers on the inspiration fabric and added stitch on the petals and centre to add texture.
Then it was time to add a horizon line furthering the impression of the field of flowers stretching into the distance.
After that it was more layers of stitch to add greenery and flowers of all sizes to the piece.
The final step was to attach the stitched piece to the wood background. To see the whole process in greater detail, watch the start to finish video below.
I hope this inspires you create your own mini slow stitched field of flowers. It's a small project that's doable in a few hours - but don't worry about how much time it takes and enjoy the process! Happy Stitching ~ Jo